
A suspense thriller
“Every sound is death around the corner . . . every breeze through the trees is a ghost from your past.”

The Satin Strangler Blogs
A mystery novel
Who is the Satin Strangler . . . and how many men did she seduce and kill?

A medical thriller
Woolly mammoth researchers in the Arctic are dying rapidly from a mysterious bone-disintegrating disease.

Do You Feel Like You Wasted All That Training
Career change
A guide to help physicians transition to a nonclinical career.

Trenton Author Event
Local writers gathered for the “Author’s Market” event at Classics Books and Gifts in Trenton, NJ, yesterday. Readers were able to speak with Michael J. McLaughlin and fellow writers Michael Days, Angela Dodson, Steven Farkas, Lisa Hodorovych, Patrick Lombardi, Yolanda Robinson, and others about their books. The award winning mystery thriller, Fugue, was one of … Continued

Indie Reader Author Interview With Michael J. McLaughlin
Indie Reader recently interviewed author Michael J. McLaughlin, author of Extinction. The author’s medical thriller was the winner of the Mystery/Suspense/Thriller category of the 2022 IndieReader Discovery Awards. From the interview: IndieReader: What inspired you to write the book? A particular person? An event? McLaughlin: I read an article about the Jarkov Mammoth discovered on … Continued

Extinction Wins 2022 Indie Reader Discovery Award!
Extinction recently won the IndieReader Discovery Award for best Mystery/Suspense/Thriller novel. We are pleased to share this review of this medical thriller by IndieReader: “Michael J. McLaughlin’s EXTINCTION is a tour de force that accentuates the depravity of certain scientific pursuits, the filmy corners of morality, and the greatest threat to survival of all life … Continued

Fugue Named 2022 Hoffer Award Finalist
Fugue has been named a Mystery finalist in the 2022 Eric Hoffer Book Awards! This is the second award recognition for this latest mystery thriller. From the Awards Committee: “After our rigorous first round of judging, less than 10% of the nominees become category finalist. We consider this a distinction of its own merit . . … Continued

Fugue Featured in MercerMe
Fugue was featured in the headline story for MercerMe today. Michael J. McLaughlin was quoted in the article: “Fugue features a strong female protagonist battling against tremendous adversity. My inspiration for my protagonists comes from my wife and daughters. I used my experience as a surgeon to make the character’s condition medically plausible and true to … Continued

Fun Day at Classics Books
There was a great turnout yesterday for the “Meet the Author” event at Classics Books and Gifts in Trenton, NJ. Visitors were able to speak with Michael J. McLaughlin about the origins of his writing passion and the inspiration for his mysteries and thrillers. The latest mystery thriller, Fugue, was the hot seller, but visitors … Continued

Meet the Author!
Author Michael J. McLaughlin will be appearing at a “Meet the Author” event hosted by Classics Books and Gifts in Trenton, NJ, on Saturday, December 11th, from noon until 2pm. Come learn more about the author, his latest mystery novel Fugue, and his other books. Do some holiday shopping for book loving friends while supporting … Continued

Fugue Named 2021 Best Thriller Finalist!
Fugue has been named a Mystery finalist in the 2021 Best Thriller Awards! From “Fugue is one of the year’s top thrillers and is a must-read for mystery fans.” “This award series is devoted to recognizing the year’s top English-language books across 15 major categories ranging from Action Thriller to Spy Thriller.” “While many … Continued