Extinction recently won the IndieReader Discovery Award for best Mystery/Suspense/Thriller novel. We are pleased to share this review of this medical thriller by IndieReader:
“Michael J. McLaughlin’s EXTINCTION is a tour de force that accentuates the depravity of certain scientific pursuits, the filmy corners of morality, and the greatest threat to survival of all life – the human. The novel is an explosion of sites, senses, voices, impulses and merciless enigmas wrapped in succulent prose that is further elevated by the story’s complex character development, turning the interweaving narratives into a spinning kaleidoscope of horrors.”
IndieReader: “Today—as authors, booksellers and the publishing industry look to come back stronger than ever after two challenging years—Amy Edelman, founder of IndieReader, announced the winners of the 12th annual “IndieReader Discovery Awards” (IRDAs).
With sponsors including NY-based literary agents Dystel, Goderich & Bourret, Reedsy, Smith Publicity and Jerry Jenkins’ The Writer’s Guild, IndieReader launched the IRDAs to give indie authors access to people who can make a difference in their book’s success. Says Edelman, “With the rush by traditional publishers to sign them and their noteworthy bestselling status, there’s no longer much doubt that indie authors can be both commercially and creatively successful. All that was left to do was create a credible vehicle by which to find them. That’s where the IRDAs come in.”
While writing a great book is the first step, getting it in front of the right people—be they readers or agents—is also a critical part of making any book a success. To that end, judges on the IRDA panel include PR and publishing professionals, editors, book designers, professional reviewers and more. Winners will have their titles submitted to New York City literary agents Dystel, Goderich & Bourret for representation consideration.”
Judging is based on the quality of writing, editing and the originality of the story.”
You can read more about Extinction and buy the book at Amazon.